Monday, December 30, 2019

Undisclosed Victims of the Holocaust - 774 Words

Undisclosed Victims of the Holocaust When Germany was defeated in World War I by Britain and France they were forced to sign the Treaty of Versailles, which proclaims Germany to be responsible for all reparations of the War. It was easy for Hitler and his Nazi party to blame the wealthy Jews for not offering enough money to the country, but his anti-Semitism was completely aimed towards the Jews. By the end of 1920, the Nazi party had about 3,000 members according to A Teacher’s Guide to the Holocaust. With an army this large Hitler felt confident enough to attempt to overthrow the government in Munich. However he failed in his endeavor and was thrown in jail by Munich authorities. While imprisoned he wrote about his ideas on racism - not only against Jews, but other groups such as homosexuals, the disabled, Gypsies, and the courageous resistors- in a book he titled â€Å"Mein Kampf,† meaning â€Å"My Struggle.† (â€Å"Nazification of Germany†) Hitler was a very sick man who believed his ideas about these people justified his mass killings. Homosexuals were a group of people singled out by the Nazi party for simply being who they were. The Holocaust Encyclopedia says homosexuality was illegal in Germany under paragraph 175 of criminal code. That is until June 28, 1935 when the Ministry of Justice revised the code allowing Nazi persecution of homosexuals. Hitler believed homosexuals were very weak and incapable of fighting for Germany. Nazis viewed them as a racial danger by claiming theyShow MoreRelatedThe Birthday Party By Harold Pinter1215 Words   |  5 PagesBirthday Party is a play which sheds light on the pathology of abjection and violence both physical and verbal and its effect on its victim - Stanley- the protagonist of the play. Stanley is an artist who has isolated himself from a totalitarian state or organization for reasons left undisclosed in the play by Pinter. Since Pinter as a Jew grew up during the time of the Holo caust and the Second World War, Stanley seems to represent the author’s existential anxiety. It can be assumed that the fear of theRead MoreThe Abjection Stage And The Narcissistic Stage1685 Words   |  7 PagesBirthday Party is a play which sheds light on the pathology of abjection and violence both physical and verbal and its effect on its victim - Stanley- the protagonist of the play. Stanley is an artist who has isolated himself from a totalitarian state or organization for reasons left undisclosed in the play by Pinter. Since Pinter as a Jew grew up during the time of the Holocaust and the Second World War, Stanley seems to represent the author’s existential anxiety. It can be assumed that the fear of theRead MoreHiv/Aids in Nigeria6960 Words   |  28 Pagesrural areas in some African countries have not heard of HIV/AIDS and a very high percentage of our sexually potent population between the dangerously ignorant about it (Nuhu 2002). Laura (2002) opined that HIV/AIDS as potentially global biological holocaust which is yet to attract the full sustained through a recent research concluded that most people still doubt the true existence of HIV/AIDS virus. Others claim that God has already destined the ways of every one’s death, epidemic which has alreadyRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of Harold Pinter s The Room 9709 Words   |  39 Pageshe uses familiar surroundings such as a room in a flat or a boarding house or a basement, an interrogation room, a prison room etc. Pinter is also able to maintain an element of realism or accuracy in the portrayal of the suffering of the tortured victims. But when it comes to portraying the objective facts, which is the doctrine of realism, Pinter disappoints us because he neither gives us accurate information of the character’s past or identity nor the causes of the characters’ motivations and actions

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Main Goals Of Free Trade Agreements - 1186 Words

One of the main goals of free trade agreements is globalization. Globalization, or global free trade, is the creation of trading connections between countries throughout the world (Globalization). Globalization stresses free trade. Free trade is when tariffs are reduced or eliminated on exports or imports. Tariff tax percentages added to US imported goods have dropped dramatically from about 60% in the 1930s, to lower than 10% in 2005 (International). With less money taxed on products, corporations can expand, increase trade, and generate more revenue. Focusing on just the US, the value of goods traded with Canada was about $562 billion, and Mexico was $347.3 billion, in 2007 (International). Although globalization sounds very beneficial to the US economy and other countries economies, there are concerns of globalization being one-side. Due to the increase of free trade between trading countries, globalization was supposed to cause economic growth and improve living conditions in underdeveloped countries (International). Yet local business and farmers in countries like Mexico, are not getting a lot of business due to so many imported goods from large foreign corporations entering the market (Globalization). All the profits go back to multi-national corporations in more developed countries like the US (International). On top of that, there is the fear that because these multinational corporations are growing wealthier, they will have more influence overShow MoreRelatedThere Are Two Types Of Trade Agreements Between Countries:1192 Words   |  5 PagesThere are two types of trade agreements between countries: free trade and fair trade. Free trade is more commonly known because this is the type of trade agreements that have overpowered in the past few decades to create trade policies between countries. Free trade and fair trade share common ground; however, they are not the same. Have you heard of: â€Å"free trade is fair trade†? Well this is a false s tatement, mainly, because their means are different to get to the end, which is the common groundRead MoreThe World Trade Organization1270 Words   |  6 PagesWorld Trade Organization Different countries and regions of the world have relationships based on global and international trade through trading organizations. World Trade has been a crucial part of the economy and many different programs have tried to find an effective way for free trade to occur. Based on previous programs since 1914, and new goals formed recently, the World Trade Organization has found the most powerful and effective way since 1995 to conduct free trade internationally. TheRead MoreMultinational Enterprises And The Trade Blocs Essay837 Words   |  4 PagesOne of the most important influence on the strategies of multinational enterprises or corporations are the trade blocs. Trade blocs determines the scope of regional markets and the regulations by which firms must operate. This is where the term Economic integration, which represents an agreement between nations within and geographic region (International Business), arises. Economic integration comes with three approaches: global integration -countries around the world cooperate through the WTO -Read MoreTrans Pacific Partnership : A Free Trade Agreement1066 Words   |  5 PagesThe Trans-Pacific Partnership, also known as the TPP is a free trade agreement that is among 12 countries including Canada. This trade agreement is for the 21st century. The deal is between Australia, United States, Brunei, Peru, Singapore, New Zealand, Japan, Mexico, Chile, Malaysia, and Vietnam. According to this, the agreement covers 40% of the world’s economy. The TPP’s effective goals are to improve trade, investment, economic growth, job creation, development, and innovations through the partnershipRead MoreThe International Trade Agreement With Costa Rica, Guatemala, Nicaragua, And The Dominican Republic1179 Words   |  5 PagesAmerica Free Trade Agreement with Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and the Dominican Republic. CAFTA is the first free trade agreement of its kind given that it is between the United States and smaller developing countries. The agreement encourages economic cooperation among these nations resulting in a stronger regional integration and contributing to greater stability. Beginning with a brief overview about the history of CAFTA, in this paper I will discuss the main issuesRead MoreA Study On Asean India1334 Words   |  6 Pagesdiscuss each agreement that was signed into effect, to include The Framework Agreement on Comprehen sive Economic Cooperation, The Trade in Goods Agreement, Trade in Services Agreement, and the Investment Agreement. Each agreement is centered on ASEAN-India Free Trade Area. Once reading this paper, one will gain a comprehensive understanding as to how ASEAN-India came to be and what each above-mentioned category represents. On August 8, 1967, five leaders, six nations, came together at the main hall ofRead MoreHistory Of The North American Free Trade Agreement Essay1055 Words   |  5 Pagesthe history of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the effects NAFTA has had on Canada, the United States of America (specifically American labor and job market) and Mexico. It will also delve into the current state of NAFTA, the advantages and disadvantages to American economy and what the future holds for this historic trade agreement. NAFTA has effected many parts of the world and not just the three countries who originally signed the agreement. It has caused several negative effectsRead MoreEssay about The History of the North American Free Trade Agreement1169 Words   |  5 PagesIn 1994, three countries formed the world’s largest free trade zone. This free trade zone was called The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). This organization was founded by Canada, the United States, a nd Mexico. The main goals of the agreement was to strengthen the special bond of friendship and cooperation among each other’s nations; and to create, expand, and secure future market opportunities and business. NAFTA is not lead by one nation, so one country does not make all of the decisions;Read MoreWorld Trade Organization and Its Role in Promoting Trade1128 Words   |  4 PagesHead: WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION World Trade Organization and its Role in Promoting Trade World Trade Organization and its Role in Promoting Trade The World Trade Organization (WTO) is one of the youngest international organizations that work with the purpose of promoting free international trade. It encourages countries to abolish the import tariffs and other such obstructions. Its main function is to ensure that the international trade moves smoothly and efficiently. World Trade OrganizationRead MoreAsean India Free Trade Area ( Aifta )1337 Words   |  6 PagesASEAN-India Free Trade Area (AIFTA) In this paper, I shall provide you with important and detailed information, entailing who ASEAN-India is, how ASEAN-India was founded, why there was a need for ASEAN-India, and what type of business conducted, along with its contributing countries. This paper will further discuss each agreement that was signed into effect, to include The Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Cooperation, The Trade in Goods Agreement, Trade in Services Agreement, and the Investment

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Al-Qaeda/Terrorism Free Essays

Terrorism can be defined as threatening use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons. It is the act of terrorizing or the state of being terrorized. Most acts of terrorism are committed by terrorist organizations. We will write a custom essay sample on Al-Qaeda/Terrorism or any similar topic only for you Order Now Terrorist organizations use terror to accomplish their mission or objective. One of the most infamous terrorist organizations is Al-Qaeda. Established in 1988 by militant Islamist, Osama Bin Laden, Al-Qaeda traces all the way back to the Soviet War in Afghanistan. It operates as a network comprising both a multinational and stateless army. It has been designated as a terrorist organization by the United Nations Security Council, NATO, the European Union, the United Kingdom, the United States, and various other countries. The overall mission of Al-Qaeda is to attempt to overthrow godless regimes and replace them with Islamic regimes. Furthermore, the terrorist organization desires to convert al-Qaeda into an ideology and set of operating principles that can be loosely franchised in other countries without requiring direct command and control. Al-Qaeda also states several other missions which include gathering information about the enemy, the land, the installations, and the neighbors, kidnapping enemy personnel documents, secrets, and arms, assassinating enemy personnel as well as foreign tourists, and freeing the brothers who are captured by the enemy. Other missions also include spreading rumors and writing statements that instigate people against the enemy, blasting and destroying the places of amusement, immorality, and sin; not a vital target, blasting and destroying the embassies and attacking vital economic centers, blasting and destroying bridges leading into and out of the cities. The headquarters of infamous terrorist organization are not known anymore. al-Qaeda has known contacts and activities in the following countries: Afghanistan, Algeria, Bosnia, Chechnya, Eritrea, Kosovo, the Philippines, Somalia, Tajikistan, and Yemen, and now Kosovo. Additionally, al-Qaida has been linked to conflicts and attacks in Africa, Asia, Europe, the former Soviet Republics, the Middle East, as well as North and South America. All in all, their threat is not limited to these geographical areas because of worldwide connections. The group has targeted American and other Western interests as well as Jewish targets and Muslim governments it sees as corrupt or impious-above all, the Saudi monarchy. Above all, its main target is the United States of America. In 2005, Al-Quds Al-Arabi published extracts from Saif al-Adel’s document â€Å"Al Qaeda’s Strategy to the Year 2020† which is a plan for the downfall of U. S. economy by the year 2020. Over the years, al-Qaeda has been involved in many terrorist attacks. The terrorist group has undergone proper military training, and is capable of commanding insurgent forces in order to carry out its attack. Al-Qaeda linked attacks include: The attempted December 2009 bombing of a Detroit-bound Northwest Airlines flight and an October 2007 suicide bombing that narrowly missed killing former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto. Two months later, another bomber succeeds in killing the former prime minister; Pakistani officials blame Baitullah Mahsud, a top Pakistani Taliban commander with close ties to al-Qaeda. Other attacks include: the February 2006 attack on the Abqaiq petroleum processing facility, the largest such facility in the world, in Saudi Arabia, the July 2005 bombings of the London public transportation system, and the March 2004 bomb attacks on Madrid commuter trains, which killed nearly 200 people and left more than 1,800 injured. On September 11, 2001, Al-Qaeda was involved in one of the most devastating attacks on the United States, hijacking four U. S. airplanes, two of which crashed into the World Trade Center, and a third of which crashed into the Pentagon. 9/11 resulted in over 3,000 deaths and $95 billion worth of damage, lost of taxes, and clean-up costs to the city of New York. In the aftermath of 9/11, Bin Laden issued several messages praising the attacks, but denying Al-Qaeda’s involvement. This was just one example of the terrorist group’s usage of the media. Al-Qaeda has become extremely reliant on media. It uses media to further its cause by garnering publicity towards its cause. The media is used to publicize its corrupt Islamic institutions, organizations, and ideas. All things considered, Al-Qaeda is shrinking. The leadership ranks of the main al-Qaeda terrorist network have been reduced to just two figures whose demise would mean the group’s defeat. Although the terrorist group is shrinking, it is important that the American people stay on alert. There will probably always be a fear of the terrorist group’s reemergence, but as long as we stay a step ahead and do not underestimate the group, the American people will be a-okay. How to cite Al-Qaeda/Terrorism, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Fire station free essay sample

My name is Austin Pea; I currently reside at Fire Station 49. I am part of a resident program where I am a fully qualified Firefighter/EMT, and able to respond to calls as they come into our station. I have been a resident here for 3 months; so far it has been great to serve the community which I have grown up in. I have focused this paper on the disaster preparedness of my Fire House, and if this household is as prepared as it should be. From first glance you would think a Fire Station would be the best place to be. After doing the research though, it turns out it would not be the best place to have a fire. I have included maps of the local area and pictures of my Fire Station, inside and out. This paper covers, in depth, the Pacific North West climate, and possible Natural Disasters that could affect this region. We will write a custom essay sample on Fire station or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This paper includes average rainfalls, temperatures, and winds in the Spokane County region. My name is Austin Pea; I currently reside at Fire Station 49. I am part of a resident program where I am a fully qualified Firefighter/EMT, and able to respond to calls as they come into our station. I have been a resident here for 3 months; so far it has been great to serve the community which I have grown up in. I have focused this paper on the disaster preparedness of my Fire House, and if this household is as prepared as it should be. From first glance you would think a Fire Station would be the best place to be. After doing the research though, it turns out it would not be the best place to have a fire. I have included maps of the local area and pictures of my Fire Station, inside and out. This paper covers, in depth, the Pacific North West climate, and possible Natural Disasters that could affect this region. This paper includes average rainfalls, temperatures, and winds in the Spokane County region. My name is Austin Pea; I currently reside at Fire Station 49. I am part of a resident program where I am a fully qualified Firefighter/EMT, and able to respond to calls as they come into our station. I have been a resident here for 3 months; so far it has been great to serve the community which I have grown up in. I have focused this paper on the disaster preparedness of my Fire House, and if this household is as prepared as it should be. From first glance you would think a Fire Station would be the best place to be. After doing the research though, it turns out it would not be the best place to have a fire. I have included maps of the local area and pictures of my Fire Station, inside and out. This paper covers, in depth, the Pacific North West climate, and possible Natural Disasters that could affect this region. This paper includes average rainfalls, temperatures, and winds in the Spokane County region. My name is Austin Pea; I currently reside at Fire Station 49. I am part of a resident program where I am a fully qualified Firefighter/EMT, and able to respond to calls as they come into our station. I have been a resident here for 3 months; so far it has been great to serve the community which I have grown up in. I have focused this paper on the disaster preparedness of my Fire House, and if this household is as prepared as it should be. From first glance you would think a Fire Station would be the best place to be. After doing the research though, it turns out it would not be the best place to have a fire. I have included maps of the local area and pictures of my Fire Station, inside and out. This paper covers, in depth, the Pacific North West climate, and possible Natural Disasters that could affect this region. This paper includes average rainfalls, temperatures, and winds in the Spokane County region.